Bonarelli and the geo-agrological and mining map of Corrientes


  • Florencio Aceñolaza INSUGEO, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán y CONICET. Miguel Lillo 205, 4000, San Miguel de Tucumán



Corrientes, Bonarelli, Geo-agrological and miners maps,


Being governor of Corrientes Dr. Benjamin Gonzalez launched an old idea to generate a survey of the potential of soils and mining in the province. To achieve this he proposed that its preparation should be carried out by Guido Bonarelli considered an expert on the subject. To run it would be accompanied by the chemist Ernesto Longobardi of extensive trajectory in the National Chemical Bureau. Ignorance about the meaning and importance of this work, led to an intense debate in the legislature that should approve it by law. Once approved it was authorized that both Bonarelli and Longobardi would begin to comply with the contract. This involved the study of antecedents, the cartographic and geological development, the sampling and study of soils and waters, the conservation of the material obtained in a museum made for this purpose and the printing of 3000 copies for distribution in different provincial, national and foreign areas. The work was finished in April 1928 and the final documentation that complemented it was delivered in 1929. The text and maps incorporated important data on the geology of the province following the current concepts in the time, and also a brief assessment of the mining potential. Also proposed was a rating of soils and determination of the characteristics of surface water and wells of the province.


Bonarelli, G. & Longobardi, E. 1929. Memoria explicativa del Mapa geoagrológico y minero de la provincia de Corrientes. 2: 285-346. Imprenta del Estado. Corrientes.

Bonarelli, G. & Nájera, J. 1913 Informe preliminar sobre un viaje de investigación geológica a la provincia de Entre Ríos y Corrientes. Boletín de la Dirección Nacional de Geología e Hidrología 5 (B): 1-6. Buenos Aires.

Frenguelli, J. 1924. Apuntes geomorfológicos sobre el interior de la provincia de Corrientes. Publicación del Instituto de Investigaciones Geográficas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA. 7: 1-41 Buenos Aires.

Hicken, C.M. 1930. Mapa Geoagrológico y minero de la provincia de Corrientes. Por Guido Bonarelli y Ernesto Longobardi. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 40: 204-215. Buenos Aires.

Riggi, A. 1936. Datos geológicos sobre el Departamento Paso de los Libres (Corrientes). Physis 12: 153-160. Buenos Aires.

Storni, J. 1917. Mapa agrológico de la provincia de Corrientes (Escala 1:1.000.000). Litografía Corrientes. Buenos Aires.


