Origin and history of the Department of Geology, Buenos Aires University
Geology Dapartment, Buenos Aires University, organization, historyAbstract
The author, who was then a student representative, recalls how the Geological Sciences Department was established after the year 1955.In this article the discussions and conclusions on the need of calling for a contest to nominate professors, and the first professor?s names are rescued from oblivion. The need of full time membership for research and teaching was established. New study plans, correlativity between the different courses, teaching of courses on a four month bases were discussed and accepted. A new and up to date study plan was proposed, and the requirements for the different degrees, such as Licenciate or Ph. D. were recognized. Also it was suggested that whenever necessary the students should have field work as part of their training, and the necessary funds had to be provided. Also it was suggested that courses of popularization on science should be supported. The prooceedings and documents are attached.Downloads
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