The Carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous Formations, principally in Europe
Reptiles, Fossils, Saurians, Carnosaurs, Celurosaurs, Megalosaurs, Europe, Jurassic, Cretaceous,Abstract
The carnivorous Saurischia of the jurassic and cretaceous fornations of North America are relatively well known by the many papers principally of Marsh, Osborn, Lambe, Gilmore, and others. All the more one misses the same for Europe, though many finds and descriptions are existing there even from an earlier time than in North America. But most of these specimens are much more fragmentary and incomplete, it being impossible to make such methodical excavations as the country is more is almost impossible to gain a real perception of the development on this part of the Saurischia before the eoropean and other material has not been revised uniformally. Therefore I have endevoured to collect all I know from the writings of others and my own observation. Nevertheless full completeness will probably never be obtained, but I do not think that anything essental is wanting. Most of the material I have seen myself on several journeys and much of it has been sketched and photographed. This would not have been possible without the kind help of many collegues to whom I owe cordial thanks. I only mention the bookseller, Mr. James Parker, F. G. S., who died few years ago at Oxford, whose valuable collections had already been noticed and used by Phillips (61) and others. In 1908 he had all the Megalosaurian remains brought up for me from the cellar and gave me all facilities for working, so that I could sketch and photograph everything; he also gave mea few photographs; he even took me to some of the localities.Downloads
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