M. Doello Jurado and the acquisition of ?El Toba? meteorite by the Museum of Natural History in 1924
Meteorites, Campo del Cielo, El Toba, M. Doello Jurado, Museo B. Rivadavia,Abstract
The important role that the interest and diligence of Dr. M. Doello Jurado played in the acquisition of El Toba meteorite for the collection of the (at that time) Museum of Natural History, and the convictions that led him to proceed quickly to avoid it being destroyed or unscrupulously sold, are presented. In this task he was assisted by Dr. Antenor Alvarez, sanitarian physician and politic and ex-governor of Santiago del Estero, who informed him about the existence and danger of destruction of the meteorite. The fieldwork and the not easy task of transporting more than four tons of iron from the Chaco forest to the museum facilities at Bernardo de Irigoyen street was assigned to naturalist Enrique de Carles, who -as he points and acknowledges- was helped in his task by many people and institutions such as the Argentine Army and the Córdoba Central Railroad. De Carles is also responsible for drafting the official report and writing the memory of the fieldwork. The final report that Doello Jurado sends to the Minister of Justice and Public Instruction ends with an emphatic paragraph in which the author makes clear his firm conviction that the scientific value, and not the material one, justifies that meteorites that had fallen or may fall into the territory of the Nation should be considered its property and preserved in museums for research and education of the people.References
Álvarez, A. 1926. Historia del Meteorito del Chaco. MDXXVI-MCMXXV. Editorial Jacobo Peuser. Buenos Aires. 222 págs.
Sellés-Martínez, J. 2013. Meteoritos del Campo del Cielo (Argentina): los primeros estudios e interpretaciones acerca de su origen. En Alonso R.N., ed., Actas III Congreso Argentino de Historia de la Geología 221-228. Mundo Gráfico Salta Editorial, Salta.
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