Mario E. Teruggi: a link between science and humanism
Biography, Geology, Sedimentology, Petrology, Literature,Abstract
PhD. Mario E. Teruggi (1919-2002) was a leading scientist and professor who made unique contributions to the knowledge of igneous rocks, as well as to the regional geology of Argentina, particularly the crystalline basement of Tandilia. However, his most significant creative works were devoted to Sedimentology. Mario Teruggi was the founder of the first major school of this discipline in Argentina. His scientific production stands out for its sharpness, consistency, creativity and innovative input. He clearly perceived the methodological changes occurred in Earth Sciences during the sixties and generously disclosed them among his students. One of the aspects that most interested him from the scientific point of view was the correct use of the nomenclature of the rocks, its meaning and systematics. He developed almost entirely his scientific career and teaching in the Faculty of Natural Sciences of La Plata, in which he was dean (1964-1966) and director of the Museum (1994-1996). Besides, from the humanistic viewpoint, the literature was undoubtedly his passion. He published nine novels, stories, several short tales and essays, including his significant contributions to the knowledge of Argentinian slang. He was distinguished as Cavaliere Uffiziale of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy (1971), Beloved Son of the city of Dolores (1979), Honorary Member of the Argentian Geological Association (1980) and Professor Emeritus at the National University of La Plata (1987). The Avenue access to the Museum of La Plata and the Paleontological Museum of the city of Dolores bear his name as homage to his memory. Mario Teruggi was a sensitive and multifaceted intellectual, an acute thinker, an original and creative researcher and gifted writer. In transit as a scientist, teacher and man of letters he left a substantial work and contributed to enriching the lives of many of his contemporaries.Downloads
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