The legacy of Ignacio Domeyko (1802 ? 1889) to the geology and scientific institutionality of Chile


  • Francisco Hervé Carrera de Geología, Universidad Andrés Bello, Sazie 2119, y Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile
  • Reynaldo Charrier Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile



Ignacio Domeyko, geology, institutions, Chile


Exiled from his native Poland, today Lithuania, Ignacio Domeyko was forced to abandon his studies at Vilnius and continue them at the Ecole de Mines in Paris. In 1838, he was offered a contract by the Chilean government to teach mineralogy at the School of Mines at Coquimbo. His teaching in mineralogy had a strong practical component in a laboratory he imported from France. He then made geological and mineralogical observations along Chile. After his contract finished at Coquimbo, he was invited to become one of the 13 founding members of the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Universidad de Chile where he started the research in geology in Chile. In 1848 he was awarded the Chilean nationality, and in 1866 he was elected rector of the university,  continuously  until 1883. He was a great articulator of the relationship among basic research, teaching and industrial activity. As a very cultivated person in philosophy, science and religion, he also dealt with issues as the incorporation of the araucanian people to the Chilean society, which he though was possible through the catholic religion.


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