Mierowear analysis of lithíe raw material: a point of view.


  • Alicia Susana Castro


Archeology, Microwear, Use, Function, Typology, optic approach,


The microwear analysis allow lo define scientifically welher an artifact was used or not, and if a lithic piece without lechnological treatment can be defined as tool. N ot always an specific artifacl means an specific aclion and many limes only a regular edge can to perform numerous activities. It is important to define the real meaning of each piece through lhe definition of its real use. The microwear analysis define use through a scientific methodology, wjlh the forlllulation of hypothésis and its demonstra:tion. Microwear analysis lllUSt be done before typological classification and lype definition. It is proposed to perform the anaIysis through three optic approximalion Ievels: nacked eye, low power approach, high power approach. Each level following specific steps within two principal phases that are proposed here: Analithic and Experimental Phases.
