Diatoms from San Antanio Bay (Río Negro, Argentina) O . Centrales 1.


  • Eugenia Sar


Marine diatoms, Centrales, Taxonomy,


Fifty one taxa of  diatoms belonging to the Centrales from San Antonio Bay and proxim ities (Río Negro, Argentina), were studied using both light and scanning electro n m icros'copy. AII of them are new for'this region. Coscinodiscus perfora/us var. pavillardi (Forti) H ustedt and Ceralaulus /urgidus (Ehrenberg) Ehrem berg, represent new records for Argentina, Biddulphia quillquegullala (Hustedt) combo nov. is transfered from the genus Triceratium to the genus Biddulphia and il is recorded for the first tin] e for the South AtlantiC Ocean.
