Ontogenia y citología del asco de las especies argentinas de Cittaria (Ascomycotina-Cyttariales)


  • Teresita P. Mengoni


Ascomicetes, Ontogenia, Ascomycotina, Cyttariales,


This contribution deals with ontogeny and cytology of ascus development of south american species of C cyttaria: C. harioti, C. danvinii, C. espinosae, C. berteroi, C. hookeri, C. johawii y C. exigua. Meiosis and mitosis in the asci are described. The haploid number is demonstrated. The material was fixed with Lu fixative: absolute alcohol, pure acetic acid and solution of cromic acid. The stain employed was propionic-iron-haematoxylin. Mterwards the material was squashed. Ontogenetic studies showed that ascus development may be with or without crozier. The nuclear divisions are similar to other Ascomycotina such as: Gelasinospora calospora, Ascobolus magnificus, Neurospora crassa and Saccobolus pseudodepauperatus. Equatorial plate, centriolar plates and spindle are formed. The haploid number of chromosomes in the seven species is n -5-6.
