Más allá del sitio: El registro arqueológico de baja densidad y su importancia para el estudio de sociedades agroalfareras.


  • Axel E. Nielsen
  • Julio C. Avalos
  • Karina A. Menacho


Archeology, Agroalfareras societies,


The tendency of NOrlhwest A,-geliline archaeology lO confi-ne-research to lrrrge si1es represents an,obstacle-for lhe stlldy of socio-cultural process_ This conflicl belween research goal s and procedures resulls from lhe use of Illelhods lhal have been designed (OIllaxilllize lhe number of findings inslead of characterizing lhe dislribulional structure of the archaeological record. In order ro achieve rhis goal, a necessary condition of processual sludies, we pro pose lhe use of fieJdwork lechniques specifically designed lO assess de sparial configurarion of lhe "Iow densily archaeological record." rogelher wilh more lradilional ones_ The potenlial of lhis approach is illuslrated through exalllples, discussing Illerhods elllployed during recent tleldwork in Quebrada de Humahuaca and some of the results.
