Type-specimens of Ceratopogonidae (Insecta: Diptera) in the collection of the Museo de La Plata, Argentina;


  • Pablo I. Marino
  • Gustavo R. Spinelli
  • Carla G. Cazorla


Ceratopogonidae, type-specimens, Division Entomology, Museo de La Plata, Argentina,


One thousand six hundred and sixty eight type-specimens (997 slide mounted, 659 preserved in 70% alcohol and 12 pinned specimens), including holotypes, allotypes, other paratypes, neotypes and paralectotypes of Diptera Ceratopogonidae deposited in the collection of the Division Entomology of the Museo de La Plata are listed. They belong to 264 nominal species, and are currently distributed in the following 35 genera: Leptoconops (Leptoconopinae), Atrichopogon and Forcipomyia (Forcipomyiinae), Dasyhelea (Dasyheleinae), Culicoides (Ceratopogoninae, Culicoidini), Alluaudomyia, Baeodasymyia, Baeohelea, Bahiahelea, Borkenthelea, Brachypogon, Diaphanobezzia, Downeshelea, Echinohelea, Fittkauhelea, Heteroceratopogon, Macrurohelea, Monohelea, Notiohelea and Parabezzia (Ceratopogoninae, Ceratopogonini), Clinohelea, Heteromyia and Pellucidomyia (Ceratopogoninae, Heteromyiini), Austrosphaeromias, Lanehelea, Mallochohelea, Neobezzia and Sphaerohelea (Ceratopogoninae, Sphaeromiini), Amerohelea, Bezzia, Clastrieromyia, Palpomyia and Phaenobezzia (Ceratopogoninae, Palpomyiini), Paryphoconus and Stenoxenus (Ceratopogoninae, Stenoxenini). Ninty of the mentioned types, representing 5.40 % of the total number, are name-bearing types (88 holotypes and 2 neotypes). Complete data on category type, stage, sex, data collection and preservation are presented for each specimen, as well as information about original and valid names, systematic position, publication and combinations for each taxon. Forcipomyia taragui Marino & Spinelli is proposed as a new name for Forcipomyia guarani Marino & Spinelli 1999, non Forcipomyia guarani Ronderos & Spinelli 1999.
