Deconstructing backgrounds: the definition of archaeological landscapes in Londres (Catamarca) through scientific publications.


  • Gregoria Cochero División Arqueología, Museo de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
  • Marco Antonio Giovannetti CONICET-División Arqueología, Museo de La Plata, Facutad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Backgrounds, Hermeneutics, Archaeological landscapes, Quimivil Valley,


In an area for which the literature can be traced back over a hundred years, the Quimivil Valley in Londres, Catamarca, we ask ourselves how we can build our theoretical background and which possibilities are enabled as we consider these backgrounds to be ?useful? products related to our scientific goals. Independently of the particularities of any subject, the way in which we generate and interpret our backgrounds can be helpful to trigger constructive reflections over which we can assume a stance relative to the uses of the past. If not, we run the risk of implicitly generating false ideological adscriptions by omitting critique. We aim to examine the theoretical propositions that emerge from the analysis of backgrounds corresponding to this area in order to situate and endow them with historicity, with the purpose of making explicit how we understand (ourselves) in a relation characterized by multiple bonds between our empirical archaeological referents, previous interpretative productions, our current goals and our accepted responsibility as producers of ?scientific truth?. Based on the use of a hermeneutic approach, we ask which are the scientific and archaeological backgrounds that have been most relevant in the (implicit or explicit) generation of landscape models for the Quimivil Valley. Rather than asking what has been said about the archaeological landscapes in the area, we ask: Which are the ways of looking upon the landscape that have been legitimized through the unspoken and historical mechanisms of scientific objectification? To what extent is it possible to rescue them, make them visible and useful to locate ourselves conceptually at a starting point for our future investigations?  


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