First record images of Calidris pusilla (Aves, Charadriidae) in Paraguay


  • Sergio D. Rios Departamento de Arqueología y Paleontología. Secretaría Nacional de Cultura.
  • Oscar Bordón Fotógrafo independiente de naturaleza. Luque, Paraguay
  • Oscar Rodriguez Scelza Desarrollo Turístico Paraguayo SRL. Asunción, Paraguay
  • Luis José Recalde Ruta 1, km 14 y 1/2. San Lorenzo, Paraguay.



Semipalmated Sandpiper, Chaco, distribution,


The presence of the Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla in Paraguay is documented for the first time  through photographs, of presumably the same individual, taken at Laguna Capitán, Presidente Hayes Deparment, on 12-13 May 2017. A summary is provided of previous records (sighting only) of the species in this country.


Capper, D.R., Clay, R.P., Madroño N., A. & Mazar Barnett, J. (2001) ?New information on the distribution of twenty-two bird species in Paraguay?. Ararajuba 9(1), pp. 57-59.

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Hayes, F. E. (1995) Status, distribution and biogeography of the birds of Paraguay. Colorado Springs: American Birding Association (Monographs in Field Ornithology 1). 230 pp.

Hayman, P., Marchant, J. & Prater, T. (1986) Shorebirds: an identification guide to the waders of the world. Boston, Houghton Mifflin. 412 pp.

Guyra Paraguay (2004) Lista comentada de las Aves de Paraguay. Annotated checklist of the Birds of Paraguay. Asunción, Paraguay. 200 pp.

Guyra Paraguay (2005) Atlas de las aves del Paraguay. Asociación Guyra Paraguay. Asunción, Paraguay. 212 pp.

Guyra Paraguay (2008) Áreas de importancia para la conservación de las aves en Paraguay. Guyra Paraguay - BirdLife International. Asunción. 473 pp.

Lesterhuis, A.J. & Clay, R.P. (2001) ?First record of Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres for Paraguay?. Wader Study Group Bulletin 95, p. 70.

Lesterhuis, A.J. & Clay, R.P. (2003) ?The first record of Dunlin Calidris alpina in Paraguay and a summary of South American records of the species?. El Hornero 18(1), pp. 65-67.

Lesterhuis, A.J. & Clay, R.P. (2011) ?Confirmation of the occurrence of Rufous-chested Dotterel and Semipalmated Plover in Paraguay?. Wader Study Group Bull 118(2), pp. 127-128.

Narosky, S., Yzurieta, D. & Nores, M. (1977) ?Presencia del Chorlito Enano, Calidris pusilla, en la Argentina?. El Hornero 11(5), pp. 433-434

Narosky, T. & Yzurieta, D. (2006) Guía para la identificación de las aves de Paraguay. Guyra Paraguay - Vazquez Mazzini Editores. Buenos Aires. 240 pp.

O?Brien, M., Crossley, R. & Karlson, K. (2006) The shorebird guide. Houghton Mifflin. Boston, Massachussetts. 477 pp.

Wetmore, A. (1927) ?Our migrant shorebirds in southern South America?. United States Departament of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 26, pp. 1-24.





