El estudio del aprovisionamiento y la circulación de materias primas en el sitio Laguna Seca 2 (partido de General Lamadrid, provincia de Buenos Aires)
Hunter-Gatherers, Lithic Raw Materials, Lithic Technology, Late Holocene, Salado Creek,Abstract
The present article analyzes the procurement of lithic raw materials by hunter-gatherer groups that occupied the Laguna Seca 2 site, located in the middle basin of the Salado Creek (General Lamadrid District, Buenos Aires Province), during the Late Holocene. The basin is equidistant to the principal Humid Pampa sub-region rocky outcrops. This makes an ideal scenario to asses which were the principal technological aspects that guided the selection and circulation of the lithic raw materials. The main production objectives for each of the rocks used and the way in which they circulated through the space are also studied. The results show that the most represented raw materials are the orthoquarzite of Sierras Bayas Group and the chert. It is inferred that the production objectives are linked with the production of flakes and unifacial pieces. On the other hand, the mechanisms for rock procurement are raised. This problem involves issues related to the outcrops accessibility and the lithic production goals, aspects that in part are answered through the chaine operatoire analysis of the different raw materials available in the area of the Salado Creek, in particular, and in the Pampean region, in general.Downloads
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