Análisis antracológico preliminar del sitio arqueológico Los Tres Cerros 1 (Delta Superior del río Paraná), provincia de Entre Ríos
Archaeological Charcoals, Mounds, Late Holocene, Argentinean Northeast,Abstract
This contribution presents the first anthracological results of Los Tres Cerros 1 (LTC1) archaeological site, located in the insular zone of the Victoria department, Entre Ríos Province, in order to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between human groups whose inhabiting the site and the use of plant resources. The twelve radiocarbon dates obtained from the upper and middle levels of the site date the past human occupation between 1030 and 560 years BP. The coals concentrated and/or dispersed in stratigraphic position found during the excavation of the site were determined. The concentrated charcoals are considered as a sign of human selection and use of forest resources by past human populations, while the dispersed ones were employed to identify trees or shrubs landscape surrounding the mound. Arboreal elements: Ocotea sp. (Lauraceae), Sapium sp. (Euphorbiaceae), Enterolobium sp., Prosopis sp., Acacia sp. (Leguminoseae-Mimosoideae), Erythrina sp. (LeguminoseaePapilionoideae) and Cordia sp. (Boraginaceae); lianas elements: Passiflora? sp. (Passifloraceae?) and herbaceous elements: Cyperus sp. (Cyperaceae) were recognized. The results obtained in this paper are relevant to discuss the multiple uses of the plants by prehispanic human groups which inhabited the Upper Paraná Delta, either as fuels, raw materials for the manufacture of archaeological artifacts, housing or boats.Downloads
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