Mayólicas en el Fuerte Sancti Spiritus (1527-1529). Propuesta analítica y resultados provisionales


  • C. Pasquali
  • S. Escribano-Ruiz


Majolica, Historical Archaeology, Pottery Studies, Material Agency,


In this paper we present the study of the majolica pottery recovered in the excavation works of the Fort Sancti Spiritus (Puerto Gaboto locality, Santa Fe Province). We analyzed 100 shards with different composition, shape and surface treatment. Following American literature they could be ascribed to different ?types?. These categories make possible identifying and dating the archaeological pottery according to their morphological and decorative features. However, the link with their production centers is not already defined in a decisive way. The implementation of archaeometrical techniques encourages the construction of pottery typologies based on other aspects of the technology, beyond morphology and decoration. Our analysis, based on diagnostic technological traits, mainly the paste, allows us moving forward in the study of the majolica of the Fort Sancti Spiritus, and proposing a link to their production centers. After taking into account these important issues, and looking at the semiotic features of the majolica, we will try to understand the diversity recorded in the majolica assemblage recovered in the Fort Sancti Spiritus.


