Bioarchaeology of Las Papas (Tinogasta Department, Catamarca, Argentina): first results
Inhumation patterns, Indicators of stress, Anaemia, Isotopes,Abstract
The village of Las Papas is located in the northernmost area of Fiambalá (Tinogasta Department, Catamarca, Argentina), in the San Buenaventura mountain range (2.678 mosl). Three burials, called Las Papas-I (LP-I), Las Papas-II (LP-II) and Las Papas-III (LP-III), were recovered in the northern periphery, near a soccer field and at the village entrance, respectively. The distance among the burials does not exceed 200 meters; however, significant variability in mortuary practices was identified within that small area for different periods of the cultural development, mainly due to the marked differences in the grave goods, the forms of inhumation of the bodies and the types of burial structures identified. The three are primary simple burials of males (a juvenile, a young adult and a middle adult) and cover a temporal range from the first centuries before the Christian era to the thirteenth century. This paper presents a characterization of the biology, isotopic record and mortuary behavior of the recovered burials, and the presence of stress indicators derived from anemia in the individuals is discussed.References
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