Spatial Analysis of the Amigo Oeste site, Somuncurá Plateau (Río Negro, Argentina)




Spatial structure, Surface site, Early hunter-gatherers,


In this work we analyze the spatial structure at the open-air site Amigo Oeste, located in the Somuncurá Plateau region (Río Negro, Argentina). The site is characterized by the presence of numerous Fishtail Points (FTP), diagnostic artifacts assigned to the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. So far, the site has been interpreted as a place of scouting of the surrounding areas, where FTP retooling and other hunting-related activities were performed. With the goal of analyzing its formational and occupational history, archaeological and environmental data were integrated into a Geographical Information System (GIS), and an exploratory spatial analysis was performed to assess the existence of clusters in artifact incidence and evaluate the distribution of their associated attributes (artifact types, degree of tool edge alteration, data on use-wear analysis).As a result, we determined the existence of 1) a main cluster of retouched and unretouched artifacts to the NE of the hilltop, where the greatest diversity of artifact types and functions inferred by microscopic studies is concentrated, 2) a grouping of unretouched artifacts to the SW of the hilltop, less dense and diverse in techno-morphological terms, and 3) a scattered distribution of artifacts on the SE slope of the hill, which includes all of the analyzed artifact classes but shows less diversity of uses. In this latter sector, two sets stand out that, although relatively dense, are small and only moderately diverse. From these results we hypothesize that more intensive and diverse activities were performed at the hilltop, including the shaping and discarding of artifacts used for multiple functions; and that the two sets from the summit could correspond to different occupation events. In contrast, the artifact set located at the hillside account for extensive activities. We conclude that both, the characteristics of the intra-site archaeological record and the location of the site in the landscape, show similarities with early contexts in other areas of the continent. The results obtained here, albeit preliminary, are relevant for the advancement of the knowledge abaut the use of space and temporality in the occupation of early sites of the Southern Cone of America.


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