Abundance of free-living marine nematodes with regards to physico-chemical characteristics of experimental and natural sediments
Experiment, Nematode, San Jorge Gulf, Pollution,Abstract
Nematodes have been widely used to evaluate different types of disturbances. The goal of this work was to compare the abundance of free-living marine nematodes communities at in situ and ex situ conditions, to assess the effect of experimental conditions in the laboratory. For this purpose, sediment samples were collected (n=4) at 3 sites in San Jorge Gulf (GSJ) with different history of pollution, and then incubated in the laboratory under controlled conditions of light, air and temperature for 45 days. At the end of this period, the ex situ treatment samples were analyzed, and an additional four samples were collected at the study sites (in situ). We compared the abundance of nematodes and characteristics of the sediment between both sets of samples. Restinga Alí and Playa Alsina showed increased abundance of nematodes (over 300 and 600%, respectively) in ex situ physico-chemical conditions compared to in situ conditions, while Punta Gravina showed lower abundance (less than 40%). Results showed an effect of the laboratory conditions set on nematode fauna. This effect was more evident in sediments from sites that had no previous history of pollution.References
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