Physico-chemical and biological characterization of coastal marine sediments, affected and unaffected by anthropogenic activities (Golfo Nuevo, Patagonia Argentina)


  • Agustina Ferrando Centro Nacinal Patagónico (CCT CONICET-CENPAT)
  • Julieta Sturla Lompré Centro Nacional Patagónico (CCT CONICET-CENPAT)



Indicators, Pollution, Harbor activity, Polychaeta,


The impact caused in harbors by maritime traffic and residual discharges with high organic matter content is a worldwide problem. This study aimed to characterize a site chronicly affected by harbor activities (Luis Piedrabuena harbor-LPH) and another without anthropogenic impact signs (Cerro Avanzado-CA). For this purpose, we collected sediment samples (n=3) using PVC cores (diameter: 11 cm, high: 15 cm) and measured physico-chemical water parameters in situ. The sediment columns were sliced into three layers (0-2 cm; 2-4 cm and 4-10 cm depth). Granulometry showed a dominance of the silt fraction in LPH and of very fine sand in CA. Moreover, the highest percentual values of humidity and organic matter were recorded in LPH near the surface (46.7±4.1% and 2.8±0.2% versus 27.0±1.0% and 1.2±0.3% in depth, respectively), whereas in CA its distribution in depth was homogenous (28.5±1.2% and 1.5±0.1%, respectively). Regarding the biological parameters, members of class Polychaeta were the most abundant at both sites followed by Amphipoda at LPH and Bivalvia at CA. In addition, greatest abundance was recorded in the first two centimeters of the sedimentary column at both sites. These results constitute a baseline that may be used in ecotoxicological and survey studies in Patagonia or other environments with similar ecological characteristics.


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