Distribution and concentration of trace elements in surface water and groundwater of El Pescado Creek, Argentina


  • Maria Isabel Delgado UNLP-CONICET
  • Eleonora Carol UNLP-CONICET
  • Claudia Di Lello UNLP-CONICET
  • Maria Elicia Mac Donagh UNLP




Trace elements, Flatland watershed, Water quality, Heavy metals,


The watershed of El Pescado Creek, located in the northeast of Buenos Aires province, has been undergoing a process of land use change since the beginning of this century. The aim of this work was to evaluate the distribution and concentration of trace elements in the water resource, with regard to different water uses. We used a survey network for surface water and groundwater (including deep and shallow groundwater wells). Trace element content was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The highest trace element concentrations corresponded to shallow groundwater and the lowest concentrations to deep groundwater. Regulatory limits of As and Fe for drinking water were exceeded in the phreatic aquifer. Moreover, V and Zn limits for livestock consumption were exceeded both in the phreatic aquifer and in surface water. In all sampling sites along the watershed, concentration of Cu, Pb and Zn exceeded limits for protection of aquatic life in surface water; meanwhile V concentration only exceeded established limits in the middle watershed and part of the lower watershed.


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