Macroscopic stem identification of the most common lianas from Parque Provincial Moconá, Misiones, Argentina


  • María Laura Pipo
  • Josefina Bodnar
  • Marisol Beltrán
  • Julieta Bejar
  • Daniela Ocampo Terraza



Bark, Wood, Climbing Plants, Paranaense Rainforest,


Due to their life form, lianas present a great diversity of stem adaptations, and consequently they are easily distinguishable on the basis of their stem morphology. Because the leaves and reproductive organs of lianas are generally located above the tree canopy, it is often difficult to recognize these plants within the jungle and therefore, stem characters are very useful for the identification of this type of plants. The goal of this work is to characterize the morphology and stem anatomy of the lianas from Moconá Provincial Park (Misiones, Argentina) for their practical recognition. We surveyed the park trails with easy access and tourist importance: Sendero de la Gruta, Sendero de los Chachíes, Humedal and Camino al embarcadero "Piedra Bugre". Sixteen species of lianas, belonging to 8 angiosperm families, were macroscopically determined and characterized: Apocynaceae (3 spp.), Aristolochiaceae (1 sp.), Bignoniaceae (4 spp.), Cactaceae (1 sp.), Fabaceae (2 spp.), Nyctaginaceae (1 sp.), Sapindaceae (3 spp.), Vitaceae (1 sp.). Various types of adaptive characteristics related to the climbing habit were recognized in the studied lianas, which can be grouped as follows: growth form of the stem, external morphology of the stem, surface of the stem, section of the stem, anchoring structures, cambial variants and anatomical characteristics of the wood. Two dichotomous keys were developed for liana stem recognition, one using only external characters of the stems and another including both external and anatomical characters. 


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