Use of rhyolitic igneous rocks processed by dry attrition in the production of high-density ceramic materials by casting (slurry medium). Part I: Ceramic Development


  • Agustín F. Correa
  • Elizabeth I. Rovere DGAyA, IGRM-SEGEMAR



Gres, Alternative rocks, Slurry, Ceramic processing,


The goal of the present work is to determine the viability of the use of specific (rhyolitic) rocks milled by dry attrition as a substitute for traditional materials, such as quartz or feldspar, to obtain gres ceramic by single firing. We evaluated different formulations using a white clay used in the Argentine industry, namely Tinkar Z, with well-defined chemical composition, and using a wet conformation. First we evaluated the behavior of clay by itself, and later we evaluated well-defined mixtures by means of representative tests on ceramics such as raw plasticity, rate of wall drying, densification, contraction, porosity and absorption as a function of thermal treatment.


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