The brief and sad history of Geology in Uruguay.


  • Jorge L. Bossi Scorza Universidad de La República, Facultad de Agronomía, Montevideo, Uruguay



Walther, Caorsi, Goñi, Faculty of Agriculture, Uruguay,


The periods that can be recognized in one hundred and eight years in which geological scientific knowledge developed in Uruguay are described. The Faculty of Agriculture was the only institution that had a permanent geological activity throughout the period, although with different intensity. Five well defined periods are recognized: Period from 1907 to 1948, Dr. Karl Walther in the Faculty of Agriculture and geologists hired by the Institute of Geology created in 1912; from 1909 to 1948 Walther produced fifty scientific papers  describing the main geological features of Uruguay. Period from 1954 to 1959, with Professor Juan Goñi and a team of 6 teachers. Period from 1959 to 1973, work at the Faculty of Agriculture is normal with a team of 15 persons, whose goal was geological mapping. Period from1974-1984, the Dictatorship intervenes the University, in 1978 a Bachelor degree in Geology is created at the Faculty of Sciences and in 1983 the first geologists obtain their degree, although with limited scientific level. Period from 1985 to 2015, revival of the Agriculture Faculty, post-grades are made abroad and Geology develops at an acceptable level, with post-graduate courses, courses in mining and production of digital maps at various scales. It is concluded that the Faculty of Agriculture was the main driver of geological studies in Uruguay, because since its inception in 1907 to date always had a working group on basic geology.


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