Morphology of the reproductive male system of Baeacris punctulatus (Thunberg) (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Orthoptera, Acrididae, reproductive system, anatomy, histology,Abstract
Baeacris punctulatus, a species of economic importance, is widely distributed in South America. With the aid of anatomical and histological techniques, we analyze the structure of the internal reproductive organs of males in this paper. The gonad contains 30 follicles, a constant number in both testicles and in wild and captive reared animals. The ?fountain type? testis is the first record among the Melanoplinae. Fourteen pairs of accessory glands were identified; they have different kinds of glandular types and their secretions were compared with those of Locusta migratoria, Schistocerca gregaria, Melanoplus sanguinipes y Poecilocerus pictus. The ejaculatory duct has a complex structure, and their diverse regions show variations when compared with those of the different species of the Acrididae. The internal chambers of the upper ejaculatory duct, the cuticular ridges in the tunnel, and the perforations in the endocuticle of the lower ejaculatory duct are related to the spermatophore formationDownloads
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