Análisis taxonómico e inferencias paleoambientales en el sudoeste santafesino. El sitio arqueológico Laguna El Doce


  • J. Cornaglia Fernández


Pampean Region, Faunal Record, Hunter-Gatherers, Taxonomy, Palaeoenvironmental Inferences


The results of the analysis of more than 9000 faunal specimens from the archeological site Laguna El Doce (General Lopez department, Santa Fe province) are presented in this paper. This site was occupied by humans in different moments of the Holocene. The study of this record is of great interest as it is the major archaeofaunal assemblage recovered in the north of the Pampean Region. The analyzed specimens belong mostly to taxa characteristic of arid or semiarid environments (Lama guanicoe, Ozotoceros bezoarticus, Rhea americana), and exhibit evidence of having been exploited by humans. This sugests that human occupation at the site occurred at a time when weather conditions were different from the current wet cycle. Depending on the species registered (anthropically selected) that constitute a significant sample of those which inhabit the area, this paper also contributes to the paleozoo-geographic interpretation of the area. In addition, the faunal remains presented are qualitatively and quantitatively significant for its use in the interpretation of paleoclimate inferences.


