The hawkmoths (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of Rancho Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro, Paraguay with documentation of five new country records


  • Paul Smith Fauna Paraguay
  • Sergio D. Rios Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay
  • Olga Petko Para La Tierra, Centro IDEAL
  • Rebeca L. Smith Para La Tierra, Centro IDEAL
  • Karina Atkinson Para La Tierra, Centro IDEAL



catalogue, conservation, distribution, inventory, specimens,


An annotated catalogue of the 63 species of hawkmoths (Sphingidae) from the Reserva Natural Rancho Laguna Blanca (RNLB) is provided, representing 66.32% of the species documented in Paraguay. Formal documentation is provided for 5 species of hawkmoth new to the Paraguayan fauna, taking the country total to 95 documented species. The reserve is located in an area of transition from Atlantic Forest to Cerrado. This catalogue is the first published single site list for such a habitat, and the only single site list published for Paraguay to date that is based on year round sampling supported by voucher specimens. The importance of the RNLB for conservation at the national and international level is highlighted.


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